Our 2023 AGM highlights

At Bristol Energy Network, we are led by our members. This is an important part of who we are and what we want to achieve: community energy led by the community.

Every year we host four open meetings, offering our membership a platform to connect, contribute ideas, and actively shape our strategy. This commitment ensures that BEN's mission remains dedicated to serving its diverse membership. After all, our network is the beating heart of Bristol Energy Network, and in our efforts to empower communities, we recognize the importance of listening to and representing their voices.

Project updates

After 7 years of hard work, BEN founder Dave Tudgey celebrated the launch of the Ambition Community Energy CIC Turbine based in Lawrence Weston. The project has been a close-working partnership between Community Power Solutions, Ambition Lawrence Weston, and BEN, with the now operational 4.2 MW turbine generating energy for 3,000 homes and generating funds that go directly into the Lawrence Weston community.

Robert Smart has been partnering up with Eastside Community Trust on the Energy Champions programme, helping the Trust to recruit and support a host of new champions to help improve energy efficiency in and outside of their homes.

Demand has been high for our Energy Help Desks and our members Bristol Energy Cooperative have kindly donated £10,000 to keep this vital resource for our Bristol communities going.

At our kiosks we engage with members of the public where they need us to, support them with simple energy tips, as well as conduct on-the-spot training to encourage individuals to improve the health and energy efficiency of their home. We hope our Energy Helpdesk kiosks can break down the barriers that are getting in the way of community efforts to lead on the Just Transition, and this funding will help to ensure a new series of sessions can reach those most in-need.


We’re delighted to announce the election of three new directors to join our Board. Bristol Energy Network’s directors are volunteers, who help us steer our strategy and decision-making with their background knowledge in a diverse range of skills and experience.

Our new directors are:

Gnisha Bevan

Darren Hall

Chloe Hood

Member news

Iris Partridge, Resilience Network

The Resilience Network’s new website is coming soon. Iris also mentioned the work that the Resilience Network had been undertaking to engage Bristol’s communities on the climate impact.

Stuart Phelps, RADE

Stuart spoke about how we can measure the Just Transition in real-time. In order to make a difference, Stuart stressed the need for a baseline.


Over 900 people reached in the community!