If you’re passionate about community energy, and you’d love to be involved in our mission, why not become a member of BEN? Click to download our application form.

Membership of Bristol Energy Network is open to any groups and individuals with an interest in energy in Bristol and the surrounding area. All members are regularly consulted with, on an ongoing and informal basis.

Through the network we share skills, resources and connections and work together towards a fair and sustainable energy system.

The benefits

of membership

Joining Bristol Energy Network as a member gives you access to a membership of 40 organisations across Bristol, with an annual conference, as well as quarterly Open Meetings.

Our promise to you as a member is to:

  • Support you and amplify your organisation or community group’s mission to help achieve a Just Energy Transition

  • Identify funding opportunities to help your group thrive

  • Offer our programme of engagement to your community to help you achieve your goals and address the barriers that your community may face


  • Community and non-profit initiatives

  • Members who are community and non profit initiatives in Bristol and the surrounding area have the right to vote at our Annual General Meeting, which includes voting for new directors

Our member groups include:

  • Neighbourhood and local energy groups

  • Community anchor organisations

  • Specialist citywide energy groups

  • Non-voting members: corporate and individual members


  • Corporate and individual members

  • Individuals and for-profit organisations may also become members of BEN, but this does not include voting rights.

Non-voting members are encouraged to get actively involved in other ways:

  • Join one of our existing Member groups, they come from across the greater Bristol area

  • Volunteer with us

  • Train as an Energy Champion in your community

  • Make your Energy Pledge to help Bristol became carbon neutral by 2030

Download our

application form

See our current members…