Our members, Winterbourne Environmental Group, are running their Winterbourne Warm and Green Open Homes event on Saturday 30th November, 10am-1pm, and they’d love for you to come along!

The event will be an exploration of energy efficiency measures in homes, plus lots more to inspire and encourage you for your own home energy improvements.

Green Open Homes not only provide you with a space to inspire others with your own green journey, they create an environment where we can offer deeper context around how all these greener improvements can work together in a space, and provide each other with fresh ideas and connections.

If you’re interested in visiting their homes, simply turn up on the day. However, if you’d like to receive a reminder ahead of the event, please register your interest using the form provided below and we’ll email you directly nearer the time.

Register your interest

If you want to attend the Winterbourne Warm and Green Open Homes event, leave your details here and we’ll be in touch!

Find out more…

Check out Winterbourne Environmental Group’s Facebook page for further details.

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